NPR Network
For more than 10 years, CDP has been managing a public media National Reference File (NRF)
Each month – and at no cost to stations – nearly 200 public media organizations securely contribute their donor and donation data to the NRF and benefit from benchmarking of their fundraising performance through Revenue Opportunity & Action Report (ROAR).
NPR and CDP are partnering to leverage the NRF data in support of NPR Network activities.
The NPR Network is designed to help NPR digital-first content consumers better understand the relationship between NPR and its local Member Stations.
In late 2022, NPR’s online donation forms will support giving to local station(s) as well as directly to the NPR Network.
In early 2023, NPR will send data monthly to CDP. NPR Network donors will be compared to the most recent 4 years of giving data in the NRF. Once processed:
CDP will inform NPR if Network donors match to 0, 1, or more stations in the NRF
CDP will share matched donors with each matched station
CDP will not inform NPR of which specific stations match to NPR Network donors
NPR will share unmatched donors as leads with each station in the donor’s market
NPR Member Stations currently contributing data to the NRF will automatically be included in the monthly NPR Network Donor Lookup activity.
NPR Member Stations wishing to be included in the NPR Network Donor Lookup activity will need to take a few simple steps:
Benefit from a monthly ROAR and inclusion in the NPR Network activity
For more information, email