Proof of Performance


MSB Consistently Outperforms in Public Media 

In the end, the numbers tell the real story. When we compare the results from our MSB Co-op partners with those of the 200+ stations sharing data with our National Reference File (NRF) analytics team, it’s clear that the MSB comes out on top, year after year. 

Success in Donor/Member Growth 

In a fiscal year (2024) when the average public media organization experienced declines in membership for the third year in a row, the MSB Co-op cohort beat the trend, growing the average station membership file by 2%.  

Grow Total Membership Revenue 

In FY 2024, the average MSB station increased membership revenue by 2.5%, raising just over $181M across the Co-op, compared to an average increase of 1.4% among non-MSB stations in the National Reference File (NRF).  This is the 4th consecutive year that the MSB has exceeded the benchmark.  

Grow Total Membership Revenue 

In FY 2024, the average MSB station increased membership revenue by 2.5%, raising just over $181M across the Co-op, compared to an average increase of 1.4% among non-MSB stations in the National Reference File (NRF).  This is the 4th consecutive year that the MSB has exceeded the benchmark.  

Optimize Web Fundraising (Web, Web Pledge, and PBS Passport)

For MSB stations, digital fundraising is an area of particular distinction.  In each of the last 4 fiscal years, MSB stations have consistently raised more membership revenue via e-solicitations and the web.  In FY 2024, our MSB cohort increased revenue from digital sources by 7.5% overall, compared to a decline of .3% across the NRF benchmark. 
Nearly 15% of membership revenue (gifts under $1,000) arrive either through response to an esol or directly from the web.  Additionally, revenue retention from first year web-acquired donors has grown to an average 84% across MSB stations, compared to 78.2% among stations in the benchmark group. 


Learn More about the MSB CO-op