The “CDP Direct Effect”: More Dollars, More Members & More Time

Direct mail remains one of the most reliable performers among non-profit fundraising channels, and a vexing issue for public media stations is how to determine the most effective messages without risking revenue or losing members.  Another is how to reduce costs in dollars and staff time (aka ‘opportunity costs’), which can be diverted to more lucrative activities. 

Stations seeking to make strategic changes in channeling staff time to LOCAL fundraising efforts to align with development of LOCAL services are moving cyclical direct mail to CDP Direct.

Acquisition: Eliminating Up-Front Risk

Incessant testing of packages and excellent list-buying skills by the CDP team meant John Bell of WSKG/Binghamton, NY could rely on his acquisition efforts producing strong results.  For WSKG, a 1.4% response rate, above industry average, makes the investment worthwhile.  John says he loves the fact that he can contact CDP Direct project director Brooks Heckner and plan for as many ACQ mailings as he can budget for, and know that the performance of the package will provide him a steady stream of donors to cultivate in the coming years. 

CDP acquisition mail has no upfront costs for participating stations---we broker the lists on behalf of stations and ‘score’ prospects according to propensity for supporting public media.  “I’d love to know who does that at CDP because they’re so good at choosing prospects,” John said.  You can learn more about John’s experience in the recent CDP Direct webinar.

Renewals: Adding Bandwidth

Risk can come in different forms.  It’s a risk to spin too many plates and hamper the ability to move forward with fundraising efforts outlined in strategic plans.  The back burner is barely simmering and often isn’t turned on at all.   

After adopting CDP Direct Renewals, our colleague Lindsay Kuntzman of WKSU/Kent, OH has been able to shift her writing & creativity to creating two new newsletters and pour more energy into digital fundraising efforts that heretofore were on that back burner. She has also put efforts into growing the prospect file, which has grown by 14% since last summer.  Those prospects are put on a digital conversion track using marketing automation.

WKSU used to write, print, stuff envelopes & post at the station.  Lindsay worked with CDP on initial setup, including ‘localizing’ renewal letter copy, and the rest is done by our team each month.  Instead of pondering new letter copy several times a year, Lindsay is now free to engage in case-making to support mail efforts, both on digital and on-air.  Revenue overall is up for FY ’21.  Her enthusiasm is evident in the CDP Direct webinar.

The “CDP Direct Effect”: You Can Have It Both Ways

If you agree with any of these statements:

• You love writing but hate the drudgery of mail

• You love fundraising but feel bogged down by rote tasks

• You don’t have the budget to A/B test mail messaging

• You feel that the opportunity costs associated with operating a direct mail program are too high and keep your organization from innovating

CDP Direct mail/email could be the solution you’re looking for.  Our goal is to help you raise more NET revenue, gain more members, and provide bandwidth so you can carry out LOCAL fundraising efforts. 

Learn about the features, per-piece pricing (with no additional fees) and campaign schedules on CDP’s website.  The CDP Team can also put together projections for you based on your current mail quantities. Contact the CDP Team to learn how to get started!

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